Aesthetics At Paula's
Every smile, frown and facial expression we make over time contributes to the permanent etching of wrinkles and lines on our face. And as we age, skin loses its flexibility and is unable to return to its original smooth appearance.
Botox is made with innovative compounds that are extremely effective in reducing deep wrinkles and fine lines – whilst also preventing new wrinkles from forming. Targeted and careful application of Botox, when administered by a trained professional is especially impressive in eliminating and preventing wrinkles.

Baby Botox uses the same Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX® ) solution for the injections in the same strength. However, small amounts are used and are placed extremely carefully into the fine dynamic facial muscles where they will relax the muscle contractions by blocking nerve impulses. This allows the skin to appear smooth and less lined. The results are achieved without any hint of the frozen look so that the skin appears softer and younger

Fat Dissolve
Are you struggling with excess pockets of fat on you body, despite living a healthy lifestyle?
As women, hormones drive the deposition of fat which unfortunately can result in excess fat around the stomach, bingo wings and thighs!
Aqualyx is a fat dissolving injection that works by liquidating fat cells and destroying them permanently. The broken down cells are naturally eliminated through the lymphatic system and results can be seen in up to 6 weeks without the need for invasive surgery.